Train Your Heart!
A Tenko Chabashira Zine

A fanzine dedicated to Tenko Chabashira from Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony


What is a Zine?
A fanzine (zine for short) is a magazine created by fans to celebrate a character, ship or form of media. Zines can come in both physical and digital formats and typically feature a variety of both art and writing.
What are the general expectations of this zine?
This zine will center on the character Tenko Chabashira from New Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony. Canon/canon-compliant and AU content are both allowed. This zine is SFW and heavy gore is not allowed. More info can be found on our guidelines page.
What characters will be included in the zine?Any characters in the series may be included in a piece. However, the main focus on all pieces will be Tenko ChabashiraWill ships be allowed in this zine?While this zine is centered on Tenko Chabashira, we acknowledge that being sapphic is an important part of her character! To honor this, pieces that depict Tenko's relationships with the female cast will be allowed. This zine will not feature shipping with the male cast.To keep a balance of content in the zine, any shipping pieces should be discussed with the mods. However, platonic relationships are free to explore and encouraged!How old do contributors need to be to participate in the zine?All contributors must be at least 16 years of age to participate.Will this zine be physical or digital?This zine will be digital only.Will this zine will be for profit?No, this zine will be completely free.How many contributors will be accepted?This will be determined by the interest check and applications.Will this zine have guest contributors?This will be determined by the interest check!Can I apply for multiple roles?Yes, you may apply for all positions if you'd like! However, you will only be accepted for one role.Have a question not on our FAQ?Send us a curiouscat message or dm us on any platform!HOME


General GuidelinesAll communication will be done through discord on our server. All accepted contributors will be provided the invite upon acceptance and will have until a certain date to join. Moderators will also be allowed to contribute if they would like to.All work must be original and new. Contributors may not use older works in this zine.All contributors must be at least 16 years old by the date of application.This zine is STRICTLY SFW (Safe for Work). Sexual content and heavy gore are not allowed. Canon-compliant light gore (i.e. pink blood) may be allowed depending on the pitch.This zine is focused on Tenko Chabashira. Other characters will be featured, however the focus of the piece must be on Tenko.STANCE ON SHIPPING:While this zine is centered on Tenko Chabashira, we acknowledge that being sapphic is an important part of her character! To honor this, pieces that depict Tenko's relationships with the female cast will be allowed. This zine will not feature shipping with the male cast.To keep a balance of content in the zine, any shipping pieces should be discussed with the mods. However, platonic relationships are free to explore and encouraged!Contributors may not publicly share any part of their works until the sharing period begins. If you would like to include your piece in a portfolio, please discuss with the mod team first before doing so. Do not post wips on social media until a sneak peek is approved by the mod team.By joining the zine, you are agreeing to respect our rules, the mod team, and your fellow contributors. Any bullying or harassment will be handled appropriately and will result in immediate removal from the zine.By applying, you are making a commitment to meet all deadlines. Extensions are permitted within reason, please make sure to dm a mod if you need one.Applications GuidelinesThis is a beginner-friendly zine, meaning we are not looking for prior zine experience. However we expect contributors to be respectful and heed zine rules.Please remember this is a professional project! Keep side chatter in appropriate channels and be mindful of personal discussions. Mods have the right to step in if any conversation gets out of hand.While prior experience is not needed, mods will be looking for knowledge of anatomy, good use of color, and composition in artist works. Mods will be looking for characterization, flow, and quality in writers' works.Contributors will be asked to provide at least three complete illustrations or complete stories that they feel best represent their work.Please provide at least one Danganronpa piece.For page artists, we ask that at least one of the works provided has some form of background. Merch and spot artists do not need to include pieces with backgrounds. The pieces provided do not need to include Tenko, though it is preferred!Applicants will be asked to provide an easily navigable portfolio where the mod team can view their work. This may take the form of a Google Drive folder, AO3 account, Carrd, etc. Please ensure your portfolio is easily accessible.Applicants may apply for multiple roles, but will only be accepted for one role.Specific Contributor GuidelinesPage Artists
-Single Page: 2480 x 3508px (A4)
-Spread: 4960 x 3508px (2 x A4)
-300 DPI
-No Watermark
-RGB Color Mode
Fic Writers
Short Fics
-800-1,500 words
Long Fics
-1,500- 2,000 words
Formatting preferences:
-Single spaced
-No indent
-12pt font
Merch Artists
-300 DPI for all works
-RGB color palette
-Icons must be 500 x 500 px
-Banners must be 3000 x 1000 px
-Computer wallpapers must be 1920 x 1080 px
-Phone and tablet wallpapers must be 2048 x 2732 px
-Coloring sheets must be 2500 x 3550 px
If you have questions not answered in our guidelines, please send us a retrospring, dm, or email us at [email protected]!HOME

Feb 23Interest Check opens
Mar 8Mod Apps open
Mar 29Interest Check Closes
Apr 12Interest Check Results
Apr 19Mod Apps close
Apr 26Mod results emailed
May 3Contributor apps open
May 31Contributor apps close
Jun 7Contributor results emailed
Jun 14Deadline to join
Jun 28Pitches due
Jul 26Check in 1
Aug 23Check in 2
Sep 20Check in 3
Oct 11Final check in
OctoberFormatting period
TBDZine release

PEACH ☆ HEAD MOD ☆ THEY/THEMHi all! I'm Peach and this is my first time head modding! I've modded for and contributed to some other zines so I'm excited to bring this one to life! Tenko is one of my favorite characters and I think it's about time she gets the spotlight!I'll also be serving as cosplay mod here and I'm excited to see everyone's creativity!Experience
DR Critical Dice Zine (Social Mod), Wisteria Blossoms ShinoMitsu Zine (Social/Art Mod) and other zine as contributor.

Q ☆ ART MOD ☆ HE/HIM SHE/HERHello!! My name is Q and this is my first time modding for a zine!! I'm super excited to work with the artists for this project and I can't wait to see the wonderful ideas you all come up with for our favorite aikido master :DExperience
This is actually my first time modding! I have done both page art and merch for past zines tho including the Everybody Loves Hajime (page art, spot art), Nevermind Regality Zine (page spread, social media dtiys creator), Critical Dice Zine (page art), Past Present and Future zine (page spread, comic spread), Sweet and Sour Zine (digital desktop bg, sticker), Into the Spotlight (cover art), and Faith and Strength (sticker sheet) so I have quite a bit of contributor experience under my belt!

Zeph ☆ Merch Mod ☆ He/TheyLive laugh love yuriExperience
Head/Shipping mod: 1, 2, Showtime! a Ruikasa Zine
Head/Merch mod: Alien Stage Zine
Merch mod: DR Critical Dice Zine / The Show Must Go On an Oumota Zine / Everyday With You an Anhane Zine

VIX ☆ WRITING MOD ☆ SHE/HERI am multilingual and happy to use that to your benefit. Fun fact, I have been in the Danganronpa fandom from the beginning. I am terribly awkward and shy- so most of my stuff is still behind psueds and anons. That said, working on a fan manga based on the world of the visual novel is bringing me back to my earlier fandom experiences. If you ask- you may find out that I have several buns named after characters. Generally, I am a big old nerd- so if you need anything at all- even a brainstorm buddy- hit me up anytime.Experience
Little of everything really, I am a Jill of hats for multiple fandoms and events. Zine wise is pretty dense- but I have contributed as a writer/artist/merch artist for several zines in my time. Random Mod Experience includes:
Enchanted: BNHA Fairytale Events (Writing and Head Mod), Through the Gate: Stargate SGU (Writing Mod), The Motley Crew - A BNHA Rockstar Zine (Art and Head Mod),
Lyrical Lyre (Writing Mod)

RAINBOW ☆ GRAPHICS MOD ☆ THEY/THEMpeach made me like tenko thank you peach (also can't wait to see how everyone interprets her through their pieces!)Experience
Saimatsu Zine (Graphics Mod), Tojo Zine (Socials Mod), Aesop Zine (Cover Artist and Page Artist) and others.

MEL ☆ FORMATING MOD ☆ SHE/HERHi I’m Mel! I’m an illustrator and designer who likes drawing cute and pretty people :D I can’t wait to see everyone’s work for this zine ^^Experience
Format & Graphics mod: Quattuor Vex, Unseen Poison-knhzine, Yashahime zine(still setting up), ‘Look up’ zine (setting up)
Art mod: folie a trois (setting up)
Contributor: Quattuor Vex, Enne Zine

DECEIT ☆ ZINE HELPER ☆ SHE/HERI'm a creature designer and a Kiibo enjoyer from Puerto Rico. Tenko is special for my girlfriend so here I am helping with what I can to make this zine possible.Experience
DR Critical Dice! Zine (Head Mod), Danganpawlooza Zine (Head Mod), DanganMall (Page Artist), Sweet and Sour (Merch Artist) and from other different fandoms and OC Zines